During their participation in Operation NANTUCKET BEACH from 22 Mar 70 to 14 Jun 71, the Regulars
from the 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry, 198th Infantry Brigade, 23rd Infantry Division (AMERICAL) operated
out of Landing Zone (LZ) Dottie, BS 630 855.  The facility served as an infantry battalion base camp and
Fire Support Base (FSB).  Tenant units during 1970-71 included:

A Btry, 1st Battalion 14th Artillery (A/1-14) with four tubes of 105 mm howitzers in direct support.
These guns could fire several types of shells:  High Explosive (HE), Illumination (Illum), HE Anti-Tank
(HEAT), Improved Conventional Munitions (ICM--also known as firecracker); White Phosphorus (WP);
and, Flechette (Beehive).  HE rounds could travel 11,000 km with a 175m bursting radius;

A Btry, 1st Battalion, 82nd Artillery (A/1-82) with four tubes of 155 mm howitzers in general support
reinforcing.  These guns could fire HE, Illum, ICM, and WP shells.  HE rounds had a bursting radius of
360 m with a 14,600m range.  Because of their mission, two tubes would sometimes be air-lifted to
other firing locations;

D Btry, 1st Battalion, 82nd Artillery (D/1-82) with 8" guns in general support reinforcing.  These guns
fired a HE shell over 16,800 m with a 470 m bursting radius.  They also deployed from the FSB;

The artillerymen and the infantrymen defending LZ Dottie sometimes were supported by a searchlight
detachment from  3rd Plt, Btry G, 29th Artillery (SLT) for use with visible or infrared light.  The
searchlight unit was assigned to the 198th FA Group, but OPCON to the AMERICAL Division to
provide target acquisition and battlefield illumination.  The unit was equipped with 125,000,000
candle power 23" xenon searchlights.  [While supporting A/1-82 and LZ Dottie on 6 Jul 69, they
provided perimeter illumination throughout the night, even though their searchlight mount was hit by
enemy fire.  The following morning, 6 VC KIA were found near the perimeter.];

B Co, 39th Engineer Battalion (Combat) with the mission of road building on the Batangan, and
maintaining QL-1 in addition to other building tasks;

Other support troops, including the 1st Bn 6th Inf Surgeon and Battalion Aid Station also operated
at LZ Dottie; and,

ARVN troops from the Vietnamese 6th ARVN Regiment.

When the 11th Infantry Brigade assumed control of LZ Dottie on 14 Jun 71, the 1st Bn 6th Inf Tactical
Operations Center moved to the vicinity of Chu Lai at BT 535 075.

Photo at top by John "Doc" Large, C/1-6 Inf &  Wayne Johnston, HQ/B/C/E/1-6, 70-71. Other photos by
Ray Tyndall B/1-6 70-71.  Map provided by Bryan Beaderstadt, A/1-6 Inf, 69-70.

The photo below was taken from approximately BS 615 865 looking SE toward LZ Dottie.

October 1970.  Approaching LZ Dottie form the NW.  Highway QL-1 runs diagonally across the bottom
of the photo.

LZ Dottie, 71 (looking west).  The VIP helicopter pad, Tactical Operations Center (TOC) for the
1st Bn 6th Inf, briefing tent, and Battalion Aid Station (upper and middle center of photo); self-propelled
8' guns from a platoon from D/1/82 (upper center of base), and 155 mm howitzers from A/1/82
(upper left). Also located on this fire base was A/1/14 Arty (105 mm battery located on the lower
center of the photo); an ARVN 155 mm battery and other elements of the ARVN 6th Regiment
(lower left center); and B Co., 39th Engineers (to the right of the area shown).   Photo provided by Jim
Cottam, D/1/82 Arty 69-70.

Early morning photo taken from NW corner of LZ Dottie in 1971.  39th Engr areas.

Just before touchdown at LZ Dottie, looking toward the newly constructed mess hall.  Photo by Ron
Hatley (1/C/1-6 Inf 1970-71).

Looking directly east at the main gate of LZ Dottie while in a helicopter at about 200 ft over QL1.
The 1st Battalion 6th Inf Tactical Operations Center (TOC) is just to the right of the exact center
of this 1971 photo from Ray Tyndall.  The large tin building in the left center of the photo is the
mess hall.  US forces occupied the left portion of the firebase, while Vietnamese forces were located
to the right.  Except for a small portion on the east side of the base, the bunkers providing defensive
positions surrounding the base were manned by US forces. A xenon searchlight swept over the
high ground east of the firebase during hours of darkness.  Artillery, mortars, or snipers fired on
suspected enemy locations to the east, while "H&I" M79 rifle grenade fire sometimes was used in
other directions to deter attack   During 1970-71 the most significant threat to the firebase was
enemy rocket fire.

The 1st Bn 6th Inf Tactical Operations Center next to the radio antennas tower.  Latrines, shower,
and officer's quarters are in the foreground.  Aid station and briefing bunker on left. Photo from
Sid Tracy (C & HHC 1-6 Inf) 1970-71)

Select additional photos from the index at left or link to the 1st Battalion 6th Infantry Home Page.