Christmas Day, 1969, Co. C., 1st Battalion 6th Infantry, US Army, Vietnam

On Christmas Day 1969, there were approximately 500,000 soldiers, sailors, and airmen in Vietnam.
Those in the US Army all shared a Christmas Meal, but the menu and the conditions under which the
meal was served varied from unit to unit.  Terry Ivey (C/1-6 Inf 1969-70)( shares
his photos from that special day.  In the 1st Battalion 6th Infantry, 198th Infantry Brigade, Americal
Division, US Army, Vietnam, the meal was brought in by chopper and served off of ammo crates.  No
tables, no chairs--just try and find a comfortable, dry spot to sit.
Terry still has the menu brochure shown next to him on the air mattress, and the inserts it contained.

The Chaplain,1st Battalion 6th Infantry 
presides over a service for soldiers from
C Company on Christmas Day, 1969.
 Christmas Day Dinner 1969

Shrimp Cocktail, Crackers, Roast Turkey, Turkey Gravy, Cornbread Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Buttered Mixed Vegetables or Buttered Peas, Assorted Crisp Relishes, Hot Rolls with Butter, Fruit Cake, Mincemeat Pie, Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Topping, Assorted Nuts,Assorted Candy, Assorted Fresh Fruits, Ice Tea with Lemon, Milk

                          CHRISTMAS PRAYER

 On the first Christmas, you gave us your Son, born of Mary, God Incarnate.  On all subsequent Christmas feasts, we too give gifts which are pale imitations of the Divine Gift.  On this day, teach us to give back to you the gift of self, our minds to know you better, our hearts to love you more and our wills to serve you more faithfully.  As we picture the Holy Family in a Bethlehem cave, we ask your blessings on our families, on our homes and on ourselves.  May the Star of Bethlehem which guided the Wise Men from the East also guide each of us safely home from Vietnam, through the remaining days of life to our eternal home in heaven.  Amen

                                  JAMES A. SKELTON
                                  Chaplain (COL) USA
                                  Staff Chaplain


As the Birth of Christ is observed throughout the world, I wish to extend warmest season's greetings to the men and women serving our country here in Vietnam.  Even though we are separated from our families and loved ones, we may take solace in knowing that they are celebrating Christmas, 1969, in peace and security, and that our efforts will ensure that peace and freedom become a reality for the people of the Republic of Vietnam as well.  We have learned that peace, freedom and good will must be purchased through the selfless sacrifices of men and women like yourselves and it is my fervent hope that our struggle in the Republic of Vietnam will bring these priceless blessings to men everywhere.  With a great deal of personal pride in your accomplishments, I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a successful and satisfying New Year.

                                    CREIGHTON W. ABRAMS
                                    General, United States Army

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