LZ Bayonet - Home of 1st Battalion 6th Infantry, US Army Vietnam, 1969-70

LZ Bayonet was a firebase located just south of Chu Lai.  It served as the home of
the 1st Battalion 6th Infantry for a time.  The base was turned over to the ARVN
in mid-October 1970.

"Main Street" on LZ Bayonet in 1969.

LZ Bayonet as it appeared in 1969.  Above two photos from Gerald Ray "Whitey"
White, A/1-6 Inf 1969.

Orderly room for Co. C, 1st Bn 6th Inf at LZ Bayonet.  The caption: "Chargin
Charlie, Thru this entrance passes the best damn soldiers in the world."
Jan 13, 1970 photo provided by Terry Ivey

Above photo - 1st Bn 6th Inf motor pool maintenance tent thought to be at LZ Bayonet, 1969.

Photo at left - the flag at LZ Bayonet, 1969  

Photos provided by David Gibson, 2/D/1-6 Inf, 11/68 to 11/69

[Photos below  provided by Bud Carlson D/1-6 Inf, 1970]

June 1970.  "Main Street" of LZ Bayonet --  Falling into disrepair as the company
areas were soon being moved to Chu Lai.

June 1970.  An example of a bunker at LZ Bayonet.

June 1970.  The guard tower at LZ Bayonet

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