Photos by Ron Hatley, 1st Plt, C Co. 1st Bn 6th Inf, US Army, Vietnam 1970-71

Ron Hatley served as a rifleman and point man for the 1st Platoon, Company C, 1st Battalion
6th Infantry, 198th Infantry Brigade, US Army, Vietnam during 1970 - 1971.  Ron supplied
the captions for the photos.

(Left)  Danny Moses and Ron Hatley at Hill 83 on 8 Oct 70.  "2nd tour for Danny, none better.  Talk about an FNG, I still had a web belt and canteen."    (Above) 1/C/1-6 Inf on the way the Chu Lai, Feb 1971.

(Above) 1st Platoon, C Co., 1st Bn 6th Inf, at Nui Pho Tinh  4 Feb 1971

(Right) Feb 1971 at LZ Minuteman. "Can't remember most of their names, I'm sorry to say."  If you recognize these soldiers, please contact

(Above) coastline south of Chu Lai at the mouth of the Song Tra Bong.

(Right) Cav Cobra at LZ Dottie, April 1971.

(Above)  The Athletic Field
(Right)  Tommy Morrow looking west from Uptight.

The Song Tra Bong meets the South China Sea.  Feb, 1971.

Near the coast.  Too bad it was in the middle of a war.

Somewhere north of Monastery Ridge.

The rice is ready to harvest, but no one lived there.

Cav gunship leaving LZ Dottie, probably going to make a grunt's day!

LZ Dottie, looking eastward from just above the LZ on the west side.

Ron Hatley at Van Thien. 9 September 1970.

The after effects of the typhoon.

(Above) The culvert halves that Ron Hatley shared with the typhoon.
(Right)  Ron Hatley & Carl (?).  An Thien 1970.

"Lon wearing my bush hat; what a great sense of humor. Hope she is well."

Ron Hatley & Danny Moses kicking back after a typhoon.

Boa killed in the wire at LZ Bayonet. May 1971.

Bob Hope show Christmas 1970, Da Nang.

Jim Smith (ID) and Ron Hatley (TX).

Ron Hatley, Dan Gaiten, Jim Smith, Terry Roller, Danny Moses at Tam Hoi 2 on 6 October 1970 - a big time card game with small cards.

(Above)  Jim Watkins (OK) with 90mm Recoilless Rifle, Flip Rauno (Philippines), Ron Hatley (TX), & Ken Price (OK) at Van Thien 11 Sep 70.

(Left) Joe Dembeck (NY) 7 Ron Hatley at Monastery Ridge 7 Oct 70.  "Hell of a M60 man and friend."

Ron Hatley & Terry Roller at Monastery Ridge 7 Oct 70. "Squad leader and fine man."

Dan Gaither (San Angelo TX) & Ron Hatley; "It must be resupply day" at Monastery Ridge 7 Oct 70.

Dick Neilson & Ron Hatley at LZ Dottie enjoying the luxury of the shammers hootch for a couple of days.

Merle Thompson & Ron Hatley at LZ Dottie.  "Merle and Dick are two of the finest men I've known."

Ron Hatley "The good looking one" Terry Roller (squad leader) & Jim Watkins (the M60 man).

Tommy Morrow & Henry Long with captured VC pig.

Hill 43, Jan 1971.  Dick Neilson & Ron Hatley show off their new bunker.

L-R. Henry Long (IA), Tommy Morrow (TX), Ron Hatley (TX), Dick Neilson (UT) Tom Lott (IN)  April 1971 out on Uptight

South China Sea Feb 71.  Batangan peninsula in background.

The view leaving Hill 83.

Hill 83, Oct 70.  "CO's position (CPT Contact) & 80 mm mortar."

Hill 83, Oct 70.  "I have no idea what the occasion must have been."

The USO at Chu Lai, Ron Hatley on the left, only 3 days to the world in July 1971.  The man with the cold duck is Gerry Fuzz, a radioman from LZ Bayonet.  Don't remember the other men, but they sure knew how to throw a short timer sendoff.

Same going to the world party, only expanding.

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