Combat Air Assault - 1st Battalion 6th Infantry, 198th Infantry Brigade, 23rd Infantry Division
(AMERICAL), US Army, Vietnam 1970-71

The following sequence of photos from Ray Mendez (3rd Plt, B Co., 1st Bn 6th Inf 1970-71) captures some
of the images from a combat air assault.

On the PZ at Chu Lai.  The troops and the uniforms are clean -- these soldiers have just completed a "stand down"
and are returning to the field.

Hang onto you jungle hat, load up the ruck sack, and get ready to kick ass.

Over the base at Chu Lai and headed south.

Over Highway QL1 and headed south of Chu Lai near Dong Binh (2) at BT 564 000.

Approaching the target area of the combat air assault--guns at the ready.  Time to put up the camera, check the
magazines, and prepare to dismount on the LZ.

Select additional photos from the index at left or return to the 1st Bn 6th Inf  Home Page.