Operation Starlite, Nui Go Dam, and the area of Hill 43 today

Photo of Capt Ed Garr  (USMC Ret.) taken in Aug 2000 during the 35th anniversary tour of the
Operation Starlite battlefield.  Looking east toward  Nui Go Dam with LZ White in the background.
At the time of the battle, Ed was an E7 Gunney Sergeant just transferred from Hotel Company to be
the Bn Cdrs Ops Chief.

Ed reports that on 22 March 2001 he was sitting on top of Hill 43 in the Batangan and that "all was
peaceful."  He has been back to the area a dozen times as tour director for Military Historical Tours Inc.

During the tour for the 35th anniversary of the battle, he and other Marines were hosted by six officers
and 46 enlisted soldiers from the 1st VC Regt., ranging in rank  from the Asst Regt Cdr, Co Cdrs, and
Plt Ldrs--all old men at this time (just like us!).  The battlefield has been memorialized with knocked out
tanks and Amtrac's.  Several trench lines have been maintained. "It is a special area for them and takes
special permission to enter.  Once in, however, you are treated with respect and dignity."  Before long
the area will change its complexion due to economic growth as a new four lane road is being built from
Binh Son to the ocean.

For additional information about tours, contact Ed at CaptGarr@aol.com.

The Vietnamese have erected monuments on the site of the Operation Starlite battle in 1965.  This
US Marine Amtrac is preserved near Nam Yen (3).  Photos provided by Ed Garr (USMC 65, 69)

A sand table display at the 5th Army Regional Museum in Danang purports to trace the battle.

The sign speaks for itself--a different perspective on the war in Vietnam.

These two views of a USMC tank (Number A04, 3rd Marine Division) destroyed during Operation
Starlite 18 Aug 65.  The hull and turret are on display in the vicinity of Nam Yen (3).

Green Beach near An Cuong (1) in Aug 1970.  Old adversaries gather:  Phan - Tan Huan (2nd Lt.
Chemical Officer Regt 1); USMC Glen Johnson; Dinh The Pham (40th Bn Vice Cdr); Duong
Hong Minh (Sapper, Regt 1); Tran Nhu Tiep (60th Bn Vice Cdr).

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