Bob Hope USO Show - 1970 -  for soldiers from the Americal Division and other units.

This crude panorama photo is of the 1970 Bob
Hope show.   Note the group of soldiers just
to the right of the stage dressed in light blue. 
These are ambulatory patients from the field hospitals nearby.  Photos at Da Nang supplied by
SGT Will Ascencio, B Co, 1st Bn 6th Inf, 1971.(

Moving toward seating for the show.  The panorama view shown above was taken from the top of the
bleachers.  No weapons or explosives were allowed inside the fence.
This USO show was presented at Da Nang.  For a more detailed account of the show by other soldiers from the Americal Div, use this excellent link.

If you have additional information about this particular Bob Hope US show, please contact

Infantry line units, who had to continue with combat patrols and other missions  were allocated a small number of seats for the show.

Bob Hope greets the troops.  Bring on the good looking, round eyed women--the Golddiggers
dance group and Miss World 1970!!

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