Photos  #180 to #218  from Ray Mendez, 3rd Platoon, B Co., 1st Battalion 6th Infantry, 198th Infantry Brigade,
23rd Infantry Division (AMERICAL), U.S. Army, Vietnam, 1970-71

Album 7 - Photos  # 180 to #218

#180 l to r Weed, Kibbee, Kurtenback, many others
#181 combat assault leaving Chu Lai headed out past hill 43 unknown mission.
#182 everyones getting ready to board the birds..note bush hat going up....that always happened to a few of us.
#182 1/2 flying over someplace note guys sitting in door...feet was a kick.

#183 birds in flight
#183 1/2 closer view of guys sitting in door...
#184 same shot of guys
#184 1/2 flying over chu lai

#185 - 187 all pictures are of resupply birds and the mission in the previous folder

#189 picture of A.O. taken next to the door gunner.
#190 l to r James Maestas D co 1/6th and Jeff Blakeslee D co 1/6 both are now r.e.m.f.s.  Jeff is the guy who took about 75 pictures
of mine and never returned them....I would like to ring his neck. they were good ones too.
#191 Here is a guy who was in dirty third for one mission. he was a new guy and a field medic when Doc Stewart went on RR he was
from Charlie co ....we incountered some dinks and blew them away with artillery fire, then went down to check them of them
was in pieces and the guy in the photo is holding up a piece of human bone that fell out of the dinks leg....he drilled a hole in and wore it.........
do you guys remember that mission?
#192 At LZ Dottie getting pinned for medals...this was a crock....Kurtenback in picture he was a hero...........hell all of you guys were
HEROS.... just some of us got a few medals .

#193 This is a shot of the Dump at Dottie...the Vietnamese would take anything of value, food, cans, plastic, anything at all and make
something useful with it.....
#194 This is a picture of a sky crane and its ability to lift a duce and half.
#195 Along highway 1
#196 Unknown area

#197 Here is a shot of a little man who made a suit out of a thrown away pancho at the dump..he must have had rickets at one time...
note the bow to his legs...
#198 Ray Mendez holding the water point outside of Dottie...I was put there as a Sgt in charge of securing the water purification
plant on the little river outside Dottie..I was there for about 6 weeks before coming home.
#199 Jack Vosika engineer of water plant. He is thinking of his wife "note the hand"
#200 Here Jack Vosika left and Ray Mendez eat watermelon that Jack bought....It was a good day that day.

#201 I think this is Ben Son
#202 Here is a friend (Arvin ) forgot his name but, we got along famously...He made me feel like a giant. I was only 5'9" then.
#203 Two engineers from the water point names have been forgotten.
#204 Resupply bird note thats Sgt Linn there...

#205 View of ocean in our old A.O.
#206 View of A.O.
#207 Flying over some village...area unknown.
#208 The infamous Hill 43 from about 2000 feet.....thats my right boot in the picture.

#209 Mama San diddy bopin down the road...the only women we saw on a day to day basis....
#210-212 Here was a show that was put on at Dottie....this group was from Austrailia...fine stuff, would you say? I gotta go to Austrailia some day.

#213- 216 Hot Stuff.

#217 finalie....Great Shot....Makes the war almost worthwhile....almost....Great Boobs!! Nice Tush!!!!!
#218 Ray Mendez...a picture I sent to my wife.....

Other photos from Ray Mendez:

Album 1 (photos 1-29)  Album 2 (photos 30-67)  Album 3 (photos 68-95) Album 4 (Photos 96 - 124)  Album 5 (Photos 124 - 149)
Album 6 (Photos 150 - 179 1/2)  Album 7 (Photos 180 - 218)  Album 8 (Photos 219 - 245)  Album 9 (Photos 246 - 275)

Link to the 1st Bn 6th Inf  CD  Home Page