Binh Son and Bridges Today

Historical background.  On 3 Dec 67, the 48th Local Force Battalion, 506A Local Force Sapper
Company, 21st Local Force Sapper Company, and the P-31 Local Force coordinated to attack
the Chua Bridge and Binh Son (District) Headquarters.  The Viet Cong succeeded in
overrunning the headquarters.  Friendly artillery, air support and ground troops accounted for 35
VC KIA (Body Count).  The Combat Action Report for that action is found at this link.

     On 25 Dec 70, an enemy sapper unit was detected by Popular Force security troops as they
approached bridge 1-B-90 at BS 596 927, the main highway bridge over the Song Tra Bong at
Binh Son.  One VC was killed in the attack and a 18"x18"x12" explosive charge was captured.
The VC set off one explosive charge that slightly damaged a bridge pier.  Approximately two feet
of concrete flaked off down to the steel reinforcing bars. The bridge was repaired.

The following photos taken in 1999 were provided by Vic Vilionis, USMC 1965.

Only the old pillbox bunker remains at the south end of the bridge.

  Today a newer bridge crosses the Song Tra Bong at Binh Son. The guard tower is gone.

But the view from the bridge looks much the same as it did in 1970.  Note the new concrete levee.

Binh Son today, just after crossing the bridge while headed south.  Not as much foot traffic today.
The railroad bridge at BS 592 921 over the Song Tra Bong just west of Binh Son in 1999.  As shown
the June 1970 photo, the northernmost span of the bridge was dropped into the water by Viet Cong
saboteurs from the water sapper company of the 402nd Sapper Battalion.  Today the Hanoi to Hoi
Chi Minh City (Saigon) train travels this route.

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