1st Battalion 6th Infantry, Americal Division, US Army, Vietnam

Enlarged versions of these photos and many others, along with captions, are best viewed from the Photo Page.
198th Inf Bde Standdown area gate at Chu Lai
HQ, 198th Inf Bde at Chu Lai
CH-47 Chinhook over Americal base at Chu Lai
LZ Dottie from one mile out, looking southeast
Nui Go Dam hill mass, looking north
Tactical Operations Center, 198th Inf Bde at Chu Lai
Market at Binh Son south of Chu Lai
On the LZ at Dottie, looking SW
CH-47 on the pad at Chu Lai West
Quad 50 bunker at Hill 270
TOC gate at LZ Dottie near VIP pad
Perimeter guard tower at Chu Lai
HQ 1st Bn 6th Inf at Chu Lai
Resupply flight at Hill 270
LZ Dottie on approach to the LZ
Hill 270 looking north
Infantrymen on Sheridan tank at Hill 43
Water buffalo tank on the LZ at Dottie
Americal Division base at Chu Lai
Swimming beach guard tower at Chu Lai
USO at Chu Lai
Artillery at Fat City
Shower facility at Hill 43
Monastery hill mass east of LZ Dottie
Landclearing near Hill 123
Bunker at Van Tin pacification ville
Mortar position at Dai Loc pacification ville
C-123 aircraft at Chu Lai
Map of Hill 43 area east of LZ Dottie

Detailed information and numerous photos are available for LZ Dottie ,
home of the 1st Bn 6th Inf from 22 Mar 70 to 14 Jun 71.
UH-1 on the VIP pad at LZ DottieLooking southeast from the VIP pad at LZ Dottie

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